Select the search type:
All retrieves substances, reactions, references, and suppliers that match your query. You can enter a text query that identifies the subject of interest (e.g., keyword, research topic, document identifier, patent information, substance name, CAS Registry Number, patent number) or draw/import a structure query. See All Search. |
Substances retrieves substances that match your query. You can enter a text query that identifies the substance (e.g. substance name, CAS Registry Number, patent number) or draw/import a structure query. Click Advanced Search to search by molecular formula and substance property. See Substances Search. |
Reactions retrieves reactions that match your query. You can enter a text query that identifies a substance that participates in the reaction (e.g., substance name, CAS Registry Number, patent number), or draw/import a structure query. See Reactions Search. |
References retrieves document references that match your query. You can enter a text query (e.g., keyword, research topic, document identifier, patent information, substance name, CAS Registry Number) or draw/import a structure query. Click Advanced Search to search by author, journal, or organization. See References Search. |
Suppliers retrieves supplier information for the substance that you specify. You can enter a text query that identifies the substance (e.g. substance name, CAS Registry Number) or draw/import a structure query. See Suppliers Search. |
The SciFinder database is one of the most important databases in chemistry, and it also includes adjacent subject, such as physics and pharmacology. The database consists of references to articles, books, reports, conference materials and patents from 1840 until today.
To use SciFinder, you must use a university computer or the remote access service. additionally, before entering the database for the first time, the user must register in it. After registration a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you, and only then could you access the database.
Attention!! The confirmation e-mail might be sent only a few hours after registration.
The database allows full access to patents.
When a search result includes the following mark:
it can be used to access the full patent document.