This page is directed at students who study English as a second language.
As part of the course you will be asked to find a scientific article that fits the following criteria:
1) The article must be about medicine or the natural sciences and must be taken from a scientific journal, such as: Science, Nature, New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal, Scientific American, IMAJ - Israel Medical Association Journal, New Scientist, American Scientist.
2) The article must be between 25-45 paragraphs long, and must be a research article (that is, not a book review, an editorial, or an essay).
3) The article must be from 2017 or later.
This page includes several guides that will help you use library resources and databases to find suitable articles.
We recommend that you first use the "Web of Science" or the "HuFind Articles and more" guides. These guides include explanations on searching in three journals simultaneously - "Nature", "Science", and "Scientific American", as well as on how to search them with additional search words.
If these searches do not produce results, you can use the other guides to search each journal separately.
Good luck!
From the catalog search for recommended databases:
Web of Science
click on the button "articles' next to Hufind catalog