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Bibliography on DH in Mount Scopus Library
- A New Companion to Digital Humanities. Chichester, England: Wiley Blackwell, 2016. Print.
- Advancing Digital Humanities Research, Methods, Theories. 1st ed. 2014. ed: London: Palgrave Macmillan UK: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Print.
- Big Data in the Arts and Humanities: Theory and Practice. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2018. Print.
- Big Digital Humanities: Imagining a Meeting Place for the Humanities and the Digital. Big Digital Humanities: University of Michigan Press. Print.
- Changing Humanities and Smart Application of Digital Technologies. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates: Bentham Science Publishers, 2017. Print.
- "Computers and the Humanities." Computers and the humanities (1966). Print.
- Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016. Minneapolis, Minnesota ; London, England: University of Minnesota Press, 2016. Print.
- Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement. Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching, Knowledge Exchange and Public Engagement: London, England: Ubiquity Press, 2016. Print.
- Digital Humanities and Buddhism: An Introduction. Berlin ; Boston: De Gruyter, 2019. Print.
- Digital Humanities in Biblical, Early Jewish and Early Christian Studies. Boston: Brill, 2014. Print.
- Digital Humanities in Der Internationalen Schulbuchforschung. V&R unipress. Print.
- Digital Humanities in Practice. London: Facet, 2012. Print.
- Digital Humanities Pedagogy Practices, Principles and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2012. Print.
- "Digital Humanities Quarterly." Digital humanities quarterly. Print.
- "Digital Humanities Quarterly: Dhq." DHQ (2007). Print.
- Digital Humanities, Libraries, and Partnerships: A Critical Examination of Labor, Networks, and Community. Boston, Massachusetts: Chandos Publishing, 2018. Print.
- "Digital Literary Studies." Digital literary studies. (2016). Print.
- Digital Samaritans: Rhetorical Delivery and Engagement in the Digital Humanities. Digital Samaritans: University of Michigan Press. Print.
- "Digital Scholarship in the Humanities." Digital scholarship in the humanities. (2015). Print.
- "Digital Studies." Champ numérique. Print.
- Disrupting the Digital Humanities. Earth, Milky Way: Earth, Milky Way punctum books. Print.
- Doing Digital Humanities: Practice, Training, Research. First edition. ed: London, England ; New York, New York: Routledge, 2016. Print.
- Exploring the Early Digital. 1st ed. 2019. ed: Cham: Springer International Publishing: Imprint: Springer, 2019. Print.
- "Frontiers in Digital Humanities." Frontiers in digital humanities. (2014). Print.
- Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities. Hacking the Academy: University of Michigan Press. Print.
- "Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities." JDMDH (2014). Print.
- "Journal of Digital Humanities." JDH (2011). Print.
- Laying the Foundation Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 2016. Print.
- Managing Digital Cultural Objects: Analysis, Discovery and Retrieval. London: Facet, 2016. Print.
- Research Methods for Reading Digital Data in the Digital Humanities. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press, 2016. Print.
- Seeing the Past with Computers: Experiments with Augmented Reality and Computer Vision for History. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2019. Print.
- The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature. London, England: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. Print.
- The Datafied Society: Studying Culture through Data. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, 2017. Print.
- The Digital Humanities and Islamic & Middle East Studies. Berlin ; Boston: De Gruyter, 2016. Print.
- The Future of Scholarly Publishing Open Access and the Economics of Digitisation. Cape Town, South Africa: Cape Town, South Africa: African Minds, 2017. Print.
- Bartscherer, Thomas, and Roderick Coover. Switching Codes: Thinking through Digital Technology in the Humanities and the Arts. Chicago: Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011. Print.
- Berry, David M. Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age. Cambridge, England ; Malden, Massachusetts: Polity Press, 2017. Print.
- ---. Understanding Digital Humanities. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Print.
- Bode, Katherine. A World of Fiction Digital Collections and the Future of Literary History. Ann Arbor [Michigan]: Ann Arbor Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2018. Print.
- Burdick, Anne. Digital Humanities. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012. Print.
- Carter, Bryan W. Digital Humanities. Bingley, U.K: Bingley, U.K: Emerald, 2013. Print.
- ---. Digital Humanities: Current Perspective, Practices, and Research. First edition. ed: Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald, 2013. Print.
- Cohen, Daniel J., and Tom Scheinfeldt. Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013. Print.
- Desagulier, Guillaume. Corpus Linguistics and Statistics with R: Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Linguistics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017. Print.
- Dobson, James E. Critical Digital Humanities: The Search for a Methodology. Urbana ; Chicago ; Springfield: University of Illinois Press, 2019. Print.
- Driscoll, Matthew James. Digital Scholarly Editing Theories and Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2016. Print.
- Eyman, Douglas. Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice.: University of Michigan Press, 2015. Print.
- Fiormonte, Domenico. The Digital Humanist a Critical Inquiry. Brooklyn, NY: Punctum Books, 2015. Print.
- Gardiner, Eileen. The Digital Humanities: A Primer for Students and Scholars. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Print.
- Gold, Matthew K. Debates in the Digital Humanities. Minneapolis: Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012. Print.
- Gregory, Ian N., and A. Geddes. Toward Spatial Humanities: Historical Gis and Spatial History. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2014. Print.
- Hammond, Adam. Literature in the Digital Age: An Introduction. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Print.
- Hartley, Scott. The Fuzzy and the Techie: Why the Liberal Arts Will Rule the Digital World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017. Print.
- Hartsell-Gundy, Arianne, Laura Braunstein, and Liorah Golomb. Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2015. Print.
- Holbrook, Gloria J. Academic and Digital Libraries: Emerging Directions and Trends. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2018. Print.
- International Conference on Computers and the, Humanities. Sixth International Conference on Computers and the Humanities. Eds. Burton, Sarah K. and Douglas D. Short. Rockville, Md: Rockville, Md: Computer Science Press, 1983. Print.
- Jockers, Matthew Lee. Macroanalysis: Digital Methods and Literary History. Urbana: Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2013. Print.
- Klein, Julie Thompson. Interdisciplining Digital Humanities: Boundary Work in an Emerging Field. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2015. Print.
- Meyer, Eric T. Knowledge Machines: Digital Transformations of the Sciences and Humanities. Ed. Schroeder, Ralph: Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2015. Print.
- Moretti, Franco. Canon/Archive: Studies in Quantitative Formalism from the Stanford Literary Lab. Canon and Archive: Brooklyn, New York: n+1 Foundation, 2017. Print.
- Nyhan, Julianne. Computation and the Humanities Towards an Oral History of Digital Humanities. 1st ed. 2016. ed: Cham: Springer International Publishing: Imprint: Springer, 2016. Print.
- Pinner, Richard S. Augmented Communication the Effect of Digital Devices on Face-to-Face Interactions. 1st ed. 2019. ed: Cham: Springer International Publishing: Imprint: Palgrave Pivot, 2019. Print.
- Presner, Todd Samuel. Hypercities: Thick Mapping in the Digital Humanities. Hyper Cities. Eds. Shepard, David and Yoh Kawano: Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2014. Print.
- Ridolfo, Jim. Digital Samaritans: Rhetorical Delivery and Engagement in the Digital Humanities. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015. Print.
- Rockwell, Geoffrey. Hermeneutica: Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2016. Print.
- Rydberg-Cox, Jeffrey A. Digital Libraries and the Challenges of Digital Humanities. Oxford: Oxford: Chandos, 2006. Print.
- Sabharwal, Arjun. Digital Curation in the Digital Humanities Preserving and Promoting Archival and Special Collections. Waltham, MA: Chandos Publishing, 2015. Print.
- Samanowski, Roberto. Digital Humanities and Digital Media: Conversations on Politics, Culture, Aesthetics and Literacy. London: Open Humanities Press, 2016. Print.
- Schreibman, Susan, Raymond George Siemens, and John Unsworth. A Companion to Digital Humanities. Oxford: Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. Print.
- Simanowski, Roberto. Data Love: The Seduction and Betrayal of Digital Technologies. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. Print.
- Smith, Sidonie. Manifesto for the Humanities: Transforming Doctoral Education in Good Enough Times. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2016. Print.
- Smithies, James. The Digital Humanities and the Digital Modern. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Print.
- Svensson, Patrik. Big Digital Humanities Imagining a Meeting Place for the Humanities and the Digital. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2016. Print.
- Svensson, Patrik, and David Theo Goldberg. Between Humanities and the Digital. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2015. Print.
- Terras, Melissa M., Julianne Nyhan, and Edward Vanhoutte. Defining Digital Humanities: A Reader. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2013. Print.
- White, John W., and Heather Gilbert. Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries. West Lafayette, Ind: Purdue University Press, 2016. Print.
- Whitson, Roger. William Blake and the Digital Humanities: Collaboration, Participation, and Social Media. Ed. Whittaker, Jason. New York: New York: Routledge, 2013. Print.