When writing a paper you must acknowledge all the sources you rely on. This include written sources or oral communication either quoted word for word or summarized.
Any quoting done without citing the original source is considered plagiarism.
Two citation styles are predominantly used:
Name/Year system: this system uses the author's name and publication year in order to identify the reference within the text linking it to the bibliography.
Citation/Sequence system: this system rely on numbering the references by the order of their appearance in the text. Every reference gets a number the first time it appears in the text and it is identified by this number through out the entire text.
Yes, there are a number of manuals in the various disciplines (chemistry, physics and biology) and every journal has it's own rules.
A list of manuals available in the library:
Using the Citation/Sequence system:
Article in a collection:
Article in a scholarly journal:
Article in an electronic journal:
Using the Name/Year system:
Article in a collection:
Article in a scholarly journal:
Article in an electronic journal:
More information is available in:
The manual is located in the reference collection of the library, on the first floor, shelf number: T 11 S386 2006