NCBI - a PubMed related database containing information on nucleotide sequences patents.
To access information for nucleotide sequence records included in GenBank's Patent division or their corresponding protein sequences, search the Nucleotide or Protein databases with the terms gbdiv_pat[Properties] or patent[Properties].
To search for sequence records associated with a specific patent, search the Nucleotide or Protein database with (country code|patent number), for example: us|8669056.
To access all chemical records with patent information search the PubChem Compound database with has_patent[Filter].
To search for chemical records associated with a specific patent, search the PubChem Compound database with (patentID)[Patent], for example: us5192525[Patent].
Searching patent databases can produce valuable information that cannot be found in academic databases. When applying for a patent, the applicants must present in detail their innovation and the scientific background behind it. These processes are usually conducted by commercial bodies, that do not publish information in academic articles, meaning patent documents allow access to important information from additional sources.
There are several patent search platforms (some free and some not), used to search for patents in patent offices around the world: - A search platform consisting of more than 117 million patents from over 95 patent offices worldwide
The Common Citation Document (CCD) application aims to provide single point access to up-to-date citation data relating to the patent applications of the IP5 Offices. It consolidates the prior art cited by all participating offices for the family members of a patent application, thus enabling the search results for the same invention produced by several offices to be visualised on a single page.
The members of IP5 are: