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Library Research Guides

Physics: Books

Find a Book in the Library Catalog

  1. Search for the book in the catalog.
  2. Click on the title to see if it is available.
  3. If it is available, write down its location and shelf number.
  4. Go to the shelf, find the book and bring it to the circulation desk with your student card.
  5. To check the duration of the book loan, sign into your library card (username - 9 digit id number; password - student administration personal code)

Recommended books

Selected textbooks in Physics

Electricity and Magnetism Electricity and Magnetism by Edward M. Purcell; David J. Morin

Call Number: QC 522 P85 2013

Publication Date: 2013

The third edition has been brought up to date and is now in SI units. It features hundreds of new examples, problems, and figures, and contains discussions of real-life applications. The textbook covers all the standard introductory topics, such as electrostatics, magnetism, circuits, electromagnetic waves, and electric and magnetic fields in matter.

Shelf No. in Physics

Finding Books in the Library by Shelf Number:

Libraries use Classification systems to order the books by subjects, so all books on the same subject will be placed together on the shelf. The Harman Library uses the Library of Congress classification system, which is based on letters and numbers (shelf numbers).


Physics Shelf Numbers (QC 1-999):

QC 1-75 General
QC 310.15-319 Thermodynamics
QC 350-467 Optics. Light
QC 450-467 Spectroscopy
QC 501-766 Electricity and magnetism
QC 770-798 Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity
QC 801-809 Geophysics. Cosmic physics
QC 851-999 Meteorology. Climatology Including the earth's atmosphere


Physics Related Subjects:

QD 450-801 Physical and theoretical chemistry

Interlibrary Loan

Did not find a book\article in the library catalog?
Perhaps it could be ordered through the interlibrary loan service from another institution. The service is free for research and teaching purposes for students, researchers, and Hebrew University academic and administrative staff. To order books/articles which are not in the library collection, please fill the Interlibrary loan in the Hufind catalog.