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Your researcher ID: ORCiD & others: ORCiD Profile @ HUJI

for Hebrew University’s Researchers and Students

ORCiD @ The Hebrew University

ORCiDThe Hebrew University has chosen to use ORCID as a persistent identifier for its researchers.

In the future collecting and updating publications will be done automatically. If you choose to, you can upload publications to your ORCID profile individually.

Every researcher will receive an e-mail with his / her personal details as they appear on the human resources system, and with a link to the affiliation of his ORCID profile to the Hebrew University. If you do not have one, you will be asked to open one.

Registration link

Registration link:

For technical problems and correcting personal information,

Please contact

What is ORCID?

Why do we need ORCID?


Why is it important for an academic institution whose researchers to hold an "identity card"?

Academic institutions receive budgeting, among other things, by measuring

the number of scientific publications of their researchers.

Quotes from the researchers' reports show the degree of impact

of an academic institution in the scientific community.

In addition, the importance of this issue is now of considerable importance

to the visibility of an academic institution.

In order to count quotes and assign them precisely to the author and institution to which he belongs,

and to avoid errors resulting from various instances of the name of the institution and the author, using the built-in system.

The Hebrew University chose ORCID for this purpose.