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Library Research Guides

Computer Science - Finding books in the library: 240-248

חיפוש בקטלוג הספרייה

המלצת הספרייה


240 Programming Techniques

240.1 Program specifications

240.2 Software engineering, Proper programming practices

240.3 Documentation practices (Flowcharts)

240.4 Programming environment, Programming systems, X-Window system, Microsoft .net

240.5 Visual programming

240.6 Object oriented software engineering

241 Software definition, Implementation of software

241.1 Editors, Assemblers, Macro generators

241.2 Compilers, Compiler generators (Lexical analysis, Parsing, Semantic analysis, Code generation, Code optimization)

241.3 Interpreters

241.4 Loaders

241.5 Portability, Macro generators, Portability via higher level languages

241.8 Semantics of programming languages (see also 252.4)

241.83 Implementation models

241.84 Axiomatic semantics

241.85 Denotational semantics

241.88 Program correctness

242 Programming languages

242.1 Machine oriented languages, System implementation languages

242.11 Assemblers conventional, Macro assemblers (see also 216)

242.13 Low level machine oriented

242.15 Macro techniques, Macro languages

242.17 High level machine oriented languages, System implementation languages (see also 261.7 Design Language)

242.2 Specific languages

242.21 FORTRAN

242.22 BASIC

242.23 FORTRAN dialects (MAD)


242.25 LOTUS

242.26 APL

242.29 COBOL

242.3 Algebraic languages

242.31 ALGOL 60

242.32 SIMULA 67 (see also 281)


242.34 ADA

242.35 C

242.36 ALGOL 68

242.37 PL/1

242.4 List, String languages, Symbol manipulation languages

242.41 Scripting Languages--AWK, Perl, Python, JavaScript

242.42 Functional programming--LISP, Scheme, ML

242.44 String languages--SNOBOL, ICON

242.46 Formula manipulation languages (see also 237.6)

242.47 Logic programming, Constraint--PROLOG

242.48 Macro languages

242.5 Parallel programming languages

242.51 MPI & openMP

242.52 OpenCL

242.53 CUDA

242.6 Data-flow languages, Value oriented languages

242.7 Object oriented languages

242.75 C++

242.76 SMALLTALK, and other languages

242.77 Java

242.8 Software systems for data analysis--SPSS, SAS

243 Supervisory systems

243.1 Basic monitors

243.2 Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Timesharing

243.3 Data bases

243.31 Object oriented databases

243.32 Database languages, Software and systems (commercial)--SQL, DB2, DB languages

243.4 Data structures, Data types, File systems

243.5 Operating systems

243.51 UNIX, LINUX

243.52 VAX/VMS

243.54 MS-DOS, OS-2, NT, Windows, Microsoft operating systems

243.6 Scheduling algorithms, Queuing theory

243.7 Security, Cryptography

243.8 Parallel processing, Distributed processing

243.9 Concurrency control, Distributed systems

244 Utility programs

244.1 Input/Output

244.2 Debugging

244.3 Garbage collection

245 Patents, Software copyrights

246 Performance evaluation, Software evaluation, Tests, Performance Measurements

247 Reliability software (see also 241.88)

248 Programming Paradigm