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קרימינולוגיה ויהדות : אסכולות מסורתיות, פוסט מסורתיות וריאליסטיות by מרדכי פרישטיק
בספר שלשה חלקים העוסקים באסכולות השונות בקרימינולוגיה. החלק הראשון עוסק בקרימינולוגיה המסורתית הכוללת את האסכולה הקלאסית, הניאו-קלאסית המתמקדת בהתנהגות עבריינית ובדרכי ענישה, ובגישה הפוזיטיביסטית המתמקדת בעבריין, ומנסה להסביר את הרקע להתנהגות עבריינית ואת דרכי הטיפול בו. החלק השני עוסק בקרימינולוגיה פוסט-מסורתית המתמקדת בחברה ובשלטון המתייגים את האדם כעבריין ולא בעבריין עצמו ובהתנהגותו. החלק השלישי עוסק בקרימינולוגיה ריאליסטית המבקרת את הגישות הפוסט מסורתיות ומציעה להתייחס ביתר רצינות לנזקים שהעבריינות גורמת לפרט ולציבור בכללותו. בסיכום מציע המחבר "תיאוריה קרימינולוגית יהודית", שהיא תיאוריה כוללנית אינטגרטיבית, הכוללת את מגוון התיאוריות ואמצעי הטיפול בעבריינים בהם דן הספר.
Publication Date: 2017
Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction by Frank Schmalleger
For courses in criminology. A thorough, student-¿friendly introduction to criminology With a hallmark theme of social problems versus individual responsibility, Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction prompts students to think critically about the causes of crime and the link between crime theories and policies. Real-life stories and up-to-date issues and examples bring to life both historical and modern criminological approaches. The 9th edition provides more coverage of terrorism and cyberterrorism, including an overview of the many types of terrorist groups and the findings and recommendations of special committees and government bodies. Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, 9 th Edition, is also available via RevelTM, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience.
ISBN: 9780134749730
Publication Date: 2018
Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior by Frank E. Hagan; Leah E. Daigle
Introduction to Criminology, Tenth Edition,is a comprehensive introduction to the study of criminology, focusing on the vital core areas of the field--theory, method, and criminal behavior. With more attention to crime typologies than most introductory texts, authors Frank E. Hagan and Leah Elizabeth Daigle investigate all forms of criminal activity, such as organized crime, white collar crime, political crime, and environmental crime. The methods of operation, the effects on society and policy decisions, and the connection between theory and criminal behavior are all explained in a clear, accessible manner. New to the Tenth Edition: New "Applying Theory" scenarios are included with the theory chapters in Part II. These application exercises encourage critical thinking by asking you to use criminological theory to explain the criminal behavior of Aileen Wuornos. Updated "Crime and the Media" boxeshighlight the effect that the media has on public perception of crime. New topics include the #MeToo movement, media coverage of the opioid crisis, popular shows like Breaking Badand The Wire, online dating fraud, and cyberbullying. Over 170 new "Learning Check" questions and answershave been added throughout the book to help you review your understanding of key concepts and increase reading comprehension. Examination of important new topics, like what works in criminology, the relationship between immigration and crime, the impact of neuroscience and genetic studies on criminology, recent shootings and terrorist attacks, and the continuing battle between over-criminalization and under-criminalization, deepens your understanding of the field. Updated figures, tables, and statisticsthroughout the book ensure that you have access to the most current information available.
ISBN: 9781544339023
Publication Date: 2019
Introduction to Criminology by Shereen Hassan; Dan Lett; Leah Ballantyne
Although this open education resource (OER) is written with the needs and abilities of first-year undergraduate criminology students in mind, it is designed to be flexible. As a whole, the OER is amply broad to serve as the main textbook for an introductory course, yet each chapter is deep enough to be useful as a supplement for subject-area courses; authors use plain and accessible language as much as possible, but introduce more advanced, technical concepts where appropriate; the text gives due attention to the historical “canon” of mainstream criminological thought, but it also challenges many of these ideas by exploring alternative, critical, and marginalized perspectives. After all, criminology is more than just the study of crime and criminal law; it is an examination of the ways human societies construct, contest, and defend ideas about right and wrong, the meaning of justice, the purpose and power of laws, and the practical methods of responding to broken rules and of mending relationships.
ISBN: 9781989864647
Publication Date: 2023
Criminological Theory: Past to Present: Essential Readings by Francis T. Cullen; Robert Agnew; Pamela Wilcox
Criminological Theory: Past to Present by Francis T. Cullen, Roben Agnew, and Pamela Wilcox is a comprehensive and authoritative reader for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in criminological theory. An Introduction precedes each Part, as well as each individual reading,situating the book's selections within the historical development of criminological theory as a discipline.
ISBN: 9780197619315
Publication Date: 2021
An Introduction to Criminological Theory, Penology and Crime Prevention by Ishmael Mugari
This book combines three key issues in the field of criminology: criminological theory, penology and crime prevention. Thus, the book addresses three fundamental criminological aspects, namely: explaining the causes of criminal/deviant behaviour, explaining the process of dealing with deviants/criminals, and articulating ways for preventing criminal activities. This is an essential book for researchers and students undertaking undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in criminology and criminal justice. The book is also essential for security and correctional practitioners such as police officers, correction officers, probation officers and private security players, as well as criminal crime control policy makers. As a lecturer in the field of criminology for some time, I discovered the challenges that most students face in comprehending various divergent aspects of criminological theory, as well as other issues in the areas of penology and crime prevention. However, this essential book logically presents the criminological theories, penology and crime prevention aspects in simple language, and anyone who reads it will find it easy to grasp all the various aspects it covers. To assist with comprehension, summaries of main issues and discussion questions are placed at the end of each chapter. The book is comprised of eight chapters. Chapter one, the introductory chapter, explains key concepts such as criminology, crime, deviance, criminal justice and crime statistics. The chapter also gives a brief history of criminology and outlines the role of the criminologist, among other issues. Chapter two to chapter six cover criminological theories in classes as follows: chapter two covers the classical and neoclassical school of criminology; chapter three covers the positivist school of criminology; chapter four covers socio-structural theories; chapter five covers social process theories; and chapter six covers critical theories. Chapter seven covers white-collar criminology and, given that most of the pioneer criminologists mainly focused on street crime, the chapter looks at white-collar crime, which is even more harmful. Chapter eight focuses on penology, which is the study of punishment and the treatment of offenders. It covers areas such as theories of punishment, forms of punishment, the death penalty, restorative justice and recidivism. Lastly, chapter nine focuses on crime control and prevention. The chapter starts by looking at two models of the criminal justice process, the crime control model and the due process model. The bulk of the chapter then looks at crime prevention, which entails any action designed to reduce the actual level of crime and/or the perceived fear of crime. Among others, the chapter looks at crime prevention through environmental design, situational crime prevention, crime prevention through social development, as well as various policing strategies for crime prevention.
ISBN: 1536191019
Publication Date: 2021
Introduction to Criminology by Anthony Walsh; Craig T. Hemmens
Introduction to Criminology: A Text/Reader, Fourth Edition offers you a unique, comprehensive, interdisciplinary introduction to the study of criminology. Anthony Walsh and Craig Hemmens provide the best of both worlds--a brief, authored text with carefully selected and edited accompanying readings. Covering both classic and contemporary research in criminology, each reading shows students how to use current research to better understand criminal behavior. Students also gain an interdisciplinary perspective of crime and criminality by exploring the latest theories, concepts, and research from sociology, psychology, genetics, evolutionary biology, and the neurosciences.New to the Fourth Edition: Over 50% new journal articles provide insight into the latest findings in criminology on topics such as human trafficking, rural crime, recidivism, the abuse of technology in domestic violence and stalking, cyber attacks, and drug use. New Theory in Action case studies present compelling examples of critical issues such as emotion and rationality, oppositional culture, self-control, genetics and neuroscience, and terrorism. A stronger focus on connecting theory to criminal acts enables you to see how the substantive sections (violent crime, property crime, serial killing, white-collar crime, and others) fit in with the section on theory. Statistics, graphs, and tables have all been updated to demonstrate the most recent trends in criminology.
ISBN: 9781506399249
Publication Date: 2018