Last updated September 2024 - Developmental Biology and Cancer Research
(1) Israeli E, Berenshtein E, Wengrower D, Aptekar L, Kohen R, Zajicek G, et al. Prophylactic administration of topical glutamine enhances the capability of the rat colon to resist inflammatory damage. Dig Dis Sci 2004;49(10):1705-1712.
(2) Olami Y, Zajicek G, Cogan M, Gnessin H, Pe'er J. Turnover and migration of meibomian gland cells in rats' eyelids. Ophthalmic Res 2001;33(3):170-175.
(3) Rozen P, Lubin F, Papo N, Knaani J, Farbstein H, Farbstein M, et al. Calcium supplements interact significantly with long-term diet while suppressing rectal epithelial proliferation of adenoma patients. Cancer 2001;91(4):833-840.
(4) Zajicek G. Cancer and metaphysics. Med Hypotheses 2001;57(2):243-248.
(5) Weiss YG, Maliar A, Eidelman LA, Berlatzky Y, Hanson III CW, Deutschman CS, et al. Computer assisted physiologic monitoring and stability assessment in vascular surgical patients undergoing general anesthesia - Preliminary data. J Clin Monit Comput 2000;16(2):107-113.
(6) Zajicek G. Pernicious cachexia: A different view of cancer. Anticancer Res 1999;19(6 A):4907-4912.
(7) Weiss YG, Maliar A, Eidelman LA, Deutschman CS, Hanson III CW, Zajicek G. Health state magnitude-integrating physiologic parameters. Crit Care Med 1999;27(1 SUPPL.).
(8) Smith Y, Zajicek G, Werman M, Pizov G, Sherman Y. Similarity measurement method for the classification of architecturally differentiated images. Comput Biomed Res 1999;32(1):1-12.
(9) Rozen P, Lubin F, Papo N, Zajicek G. Rectal epithelial proliferation in persons with or without a history of adenoma and its association with diet and lifestyle habits. Cancer 1998;83(7):1319-1327.
(10) Chowers I, Livni N, Solomon A, Zajicek G, Frucht-Pery J, Folberg R, et al. MIB-1 and PC-10 immunostaining for the assessment of proliferative activity in primary acquired melanosis without and with atypia. Br J Ophthalmol 1998;82(11):1316-1319.
(11) Oren R, Zajicek G, Maaravi Y, Kenet G, Karmely F, Hubert A, et al. Methimazole slows hepatocyte streaming in rats. Dig Dis Sci 1997;42(7):1433-1437.
(12) Liberman V, Nyska A, Kashtan H, Zajicek G, Lubin F, Rozen P. Differing proliferative responses in proximal and distal colons of growing rats fed food eaten by adenoma patients. Dig Dis Sci 1996;41(6):1057-1064.
(13) Pe'er J, Zajicek G, Greifner H, Kogan M. Streaming conjunctiva. Anat Rec 1996;245(1):36-40.
(14) Tanos V, Friedler S, Zajicek G, Neiger M, Lewin A, Schenker JG. The Impact of Endometrial Preparation on Implantation following Cryopreserved-Thawed-Embryo Transfer. Gynecol Obstet Invest 1996;41(4):227-231.
(15) Pe'er J, Muckarem M, Zajicek G. Epithelial cell migration in the normal rat lens. Ann Anat 1996;178(5):433-436.
(16) Zajicek G. Wisdom of the body and microbial resistant to antibiotics. Harefuah 1995;129(12):555-556.
(17) Zajicek G, Shamir R, Nordenberg J, Sidi Y, Arber N. Increased turnover of intrahepatic bile ducts induced by bromobenzene. Digest Dis Sci 1995;40(4):730-733.
(18) Zajicek G. Do livers "stream"? Am J Pathol 1995;146(3):772-776.
(19) Zajicek G. The language of the wisdom of the body. Cancer J 1995;8(6):291-292.
(20) Mordel N, Mor-Yosef S, Simon A, Zajicek G, Schenker JG, Sadovsky E. Sex ratio in triplets. J Perinat Med 1995;23(4):265-272.
(21) Zajicek G, Perry A, Pe'er J. Streaming of labelled cells in the conjunctival epithelium. Cell Prolif 1995;28(4):235-243.
(22) Zajicek G. Streaming organism. Med Hypotheses 1995;45(4):403-407.
(23) Zajicek G. Normative medicine. Med Hypotheses 1995;45(4):331-334.
(24) Simon A, Benshushan A, Shushan A, Zajicek G, Dorembus D, Lewin A, et al. Endocrinology: A comparison between a standard and reduced dose of d-trp-6-luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone administered after pituitary suppression for in-vitro fertilization. Hum Reprod 1994;9(10):1813-1817.
(25) Arber N, Rattan J, Rozen P, Johanatan MS, Nordenberg J, Sidi Y, et al. In Vivo Bromodeoxyuridine Incorporation in Normal Rat Liver: Immunohistochemical Detection of Streaming Cells and Measurement of Labelling Indices. Acta Histochem Cytochem 1994;27(1):45-49.
(26) Zajicek G. How to treat cancer? Cancer J 1994;7(4):132-133.
(27) Zajicek G. Microbial resistance to antibiotics and the wisdom of the body. Cancer J 1994;7(5):168-169.
(28) Ohel G, Potic A, Linder N, Zajicek G, Sadovsky E. The ratio of fetal heart rate accelerations with fetal movements to total fetal movements in normal and growth-retarded fetuses. J MATERN -FETAL INVEST 1994;4(2):77-79.
(29) Mordel N, Zajicek G, Benshushan A, Schenker JG, Laufer N, Sadovsky E. Elective Suture of Uterine Cervix in Triplets. Am J Perinatol 1993;10(1):14-16.
(30) Shushan A, Mordel N, Zajicek G, Lewin A, Schenker JG, Sadovsky E. A Comparison of Sonographic Growth Curves of Triplet and Twin Fetuses. Am J Perinatol 1993;10(5):388-391.
(31) Ezra Y, Samueloff A, Doron A, Zajicek G, Weinstein D, Mor-Yosef S. Repeated caesarean sections. J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;13(1):20-23.
(32) Simon A, Ronit C, Lewin A, Mordel N, Zajicek G, Laufer N. Conception rate after in vitro fertilization in patients who conceived in a previous cycle. Fertil Steril 1993;59(2):343-347.
(33) Mordel N, Benshushan A, Zajicek G, Laufer N, Schenker JG, Sadovsky E. Discordancy in Triplets. Am J Perinatol 1993;10(3):224-225.
(34) Mordel N, Laufer N, Zajicek G, Shalev Z, Lewin A, Schenker JG, et al. Sonographic Growth Curves of Triplet Conceptions. Am J Perinatol 1993;10(3):239-242.
(35) Sipcic SR, Zajicek G. Kinetic analysis of epithelial cell migration in the colon on a massively parallel processor (CM-2). Comput Biomed Res 1993;26(4):393-412.
(36) Benbassat J, Zajicek G, Van Oortmarssen GJ, Ben-Dov I, Eckman MH. Inaccuracies in Estimates of Life Expectancies of Patients with Bronchial Cancer in Clinical Decision Making. Med Decis Mak 1993;13(3):237-244.
(37) Mordel N, Laufer N, Zajicek G, Yanai N, Shwartz Y, Lewin A, et al. The value of an electronic microcomputerized basal body temperature measurement device (bioself) in in vitro fertilization cycles. Gynecol Endocrinol 1992;6(4):283-286.
(38) Zajicek G. Time dimension in histopathology. Pathol Res Pract 1992;188(4-5):410-412.
(39) Barak V, Mordel N, Zajicek G, Kalichman I, Treves AJ, Laufer N. The correlation between interleukin 2 and soluble interleukin 2 receptors to oestradiol, progesterone and testosterone levels in periovulatory follicles of in-vitro fertilization patients. Hum Reprod 1992;7(7):926-929.
(40) Zajicek G, Breuer R. Cell kinetics of lamina propria fibroblasts in normal adult hamster bronchus. Anat Rec 1992;233(2):257-260.
(41) Arber N, Zajicek G, Shamir R, Kenet G, Raanani P, Nordenberg J, et al. Bromobenzene accelerates hepatocyte streaming in rats. Gastroenterology 1992;103(4):1273-1276.
(42) Barak V, Mordel N, Holzer H, Zajicek G, Treves AJ, Laufer N. The correlation of interleukin 1 and tumour necrosis factor to oestradiol, progesterone and testosterone levels in periovulatory follicular fluid of in-vitro fertilization patients. Hum Reprod 1992;7(4):462-464.
(43) Pappo O, Gez E, Craciun I, Zajicek G, Okon E. Growth rate analysis of lung metastases appearing 18 years after resection of cutaneous adenoid cystic carcinoma. Case report and review of the literature. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1992;116(1):76-79.
(44) Mordel N, Anteby SO, Zajicek G, Roisman I, Treves A, Barak V. CA-125 is present in significant concentrations in periovulatory follicles of in vitro fertilization patients. Fertil Steril 1992;57(2):377-380.
(45) Arber N, Berliner S, Arber L, Liphshitz A, Sinai Y, Zajicek G, et al. The state of leukocyte adhesiveness/aggregation in the peripheral blood is more sensitive than the white blood cell count for the detection of acute mental stress. J Psychosom Res 1992;36(1):37-46.
(46) Arber N, Zajicek G. The streaming liver. Harefuah 1991;121(10):409-411.
(47) Rozen P, Fireman Z, Fine N, Chetrit A, Zajicek G. Rectal epithelial proliferation in persons post sporadic colorectal neoplasia. Cancer Lett 1991;59(1):1-8.
(48) Zajicek G, Arber N, Schwartz‐Arad D. Streaming liver VIII: cell production rates following partial hepatectomy. Liver 1991;11(6):347-351.
(49) Schwartz-Arad D, Michaelp Y, Zajicek G. Compensatory Hyperplasia of the Rat Submandibular Gland Following Unilateral Extirpation. J Dent Res 1991;70(10):1328-1331.
(50) Zajicek G. Cancer wars. Cancer J 1991;4(1):4-5.
(51) Zajicek G. Hepatocytes and intrahepatic bile duct epithelium originate from a common stem cell. Gastroenterology 1991;100(2):582-583.
(52) Mordel N, Laufer N, Zajicek G, Dorembus D, Benshushan A, Schenker JG, et al. Menotropins as a possible risk factor for premature deliveries in triplet pregnancies. Gynecol Endocrinol 1991;5(3):197-201.
(53) Arber N, Zajicek G, Nordenberg J, Sidi Y. Azathioprine treatment increases hepatocyte turnover. Gastroenterology 1991;101(4):1083-1086.
(54) Zajicek G. Letters to the Editor. Cell Prolif 1991;24(4):433-434.
(55) Zajicek G, Arber N. Streaming kidney. Cell Prolif 1991;24(4):375-382.
(56) Zajicek G. What would you do if this were your ... wife, sister, mother, self? Cancer J 1991;4(2):76.
(57) Simon A, Avidan B, Mordel N, Lewin A, Samueloff A, Zajicek G, et al. The value of menotrophin treatment for unexplained infertility prior to an in-vitro fertilization attempt. Hum Reprod 1991;6(2):222-226.
(58) Rozen P, Fireman Z, Fine N, Chetrit A, Zajicek G. Rectal epithelial proliferation in women recovered from breast cancer. Cancer Lett 1990;55(3):189-194.
(59) Zajicek G, Arber N, Schwartz-Arad D, Ariel I. Streaming pancreas: islet cell kinetics. Diabetes Res 1990;13(3):121-125.
(60) Younis JS, Sadovsky E, Eldar-Geva T, Mildwidsky A, Zeevi D, Zajicek G. Twin gestations and prophylactic hospitalization. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1990;32(4):325-330.
(61) Zajicek G. Progress against cancer: Are we winning the war? Cancer J 1990;3(1):2.
(62) Breuer R, Zajicek G, Christensen TG, Lucey EC, Snider GL. Cell kinetics of normal adult hamster bronchial epithelium in the steady state. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1990;2(1):51-58.
(63) Zajicek G. Clinical manifestations of transgenic cancer. Cancer J 1990;3(1):3.
(64) Zajicek G, Schwartz‐Arad D. Streaming liver VII: DNA turnover in acinus zone‐3. Liver 1990;10(3):137-140.
(65) Arber N, Zajicek G. Streaming liver VI: streaming intra‐hepatic bile ducts. Liver 1990;10(4):205-208.
(66) Zajicek G, Schwartz‐Arad D, Arber N, Michaeli Y. The streaming of the submandibular gland II: parenchyma and stroma advance at the same velocity. Cell Prolif 1989;22(5):343-348.
(67) Kerem E, Schwartz-Arad D, Bartfeld E, Ron N, Ariel I, Zajicek G. A double staining method for measuring DNA content of specific cell populations utilizing computerized microscopy. Histochemistry 1989;91(1):47-50.
(68) Schwartz‐Arad D, Zajicek G, Bartfeld E. The streaming liver IV: DNA content of the hepatocyte increases with its age. Liver 1989;9(2):93-99.
(69) Lossos I, Israeli A, Zajicek G, Berry EM. Diagnosis deferred-the clinical spectrum of diagnostic uncertainty. J Clin Epidemiol 1989;42(7):649-657.
(70) ZAJICEK G, SCHWARTZ‐ARAD D, BARTFELD E. The streaming liver V: Time and age‐dependent changes of hepatocyte DNA content, following partial hepatectomy. Liver 1989;9(3):164-171.
(71) Schwartz-Arad D, Arber L, Arber N, Zajicek G, Michaeli Y. The rat parotid gland. A renewing cell population. J Anat 1988;161:143-151.
(72) Measuring hepatocytes reaction to dimethylnitrosamine using computerized microscope. Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition; 1988.
(73) Fich A, Arber N, Okon E, Zajicek G, Rachmilewitz D. Effect of chronic misoprostol ingestion on rat gastric morphology and cell turnover. Arch Toxicol 1988;61(4):314-317.
(74) Zajicek G, Ariel I, Arber N. The streaming liver III. Littoral cells accompany the streaming hepatocyte. Liver 1988;8(4):213-218.
(75) Ariel I, Kerem E, Schwartz-Arad D, Bartfeld E, Ron N, Pizov G, et al. Nesidiodysplasia-A histologic entity? Hum Pathol 1988;19(10):1215-1218.
(76) Fich A, Zajicek G, Arber N, Rachmilewitz D. 15(R)15 methyl prostaglandin E2 (Arbacet®) has no effect on human gastric cell labeling index. Isr J Med Sci 1988;24(8):420-422.
(77) Horev G, Gomori JM, Zajicek G, Erickson JJ, Shaffer A. The right-left symmetry axis of the brain on CT. Comput Med Imaging Graph 1988;12(3):159-163.
(78) Zajicek G, Bartfeld E, Schwartz-Arad D, Michaeli Y. Computerized extraction of the time dimension in histopathological sections. Appl Opt 1987;26(16):3408-3412.
(79) Zajicek G. Long survival with micrometastasis. At least 9% of breast cancer patients carry metastases for more than 10 years. Cancer J 1987;1(10):414-415.
(80) Zajicek G. Long survival with micrometastasis. At least 9% of breast cancer patients carry metastases for more than 10 years. Cancer J 1987;1(9):381-382.
(81) Katz E, Nyska M, Okon E, Zajicek G, Robin G. Growth rate analysis of lung metastases from histologically benign giant cell tumor of Bone. Cancer 1987;59(10):1831-1836.
(82) Malberger E, Gutterman E, Bartfeld E, Zajicek G. Cellular changes in the mammary gland epithelium during the menstrual cycle. A computer image analysis study. Acta Cytol 1987;31(3):305-308.
(83) Zajicek G. The time dimension in histology. Methods Inf Med 1987;26(1):1-2.
(84) Zajicek G. The application of kinematic equations for the study of cell turnover. J Theor Biol 1986;120(2):141-149.
(85) Aboulafia Y, Sadovsky E, Simon A, Ohel G, Zajicek G. Fetal activity in pregnancies complicated by systemic lupus erythematosus. Arch Gynecol 1986;237(4):181-185.
(86) Zajicek G, Ariel I, Arber N. The streaming adrenal cortex: Direct evidence of centripetal migration of adrenocytes by estimation of cell turnover rate. J Endocrinol 1986;111(3):477-482.
(87) Zajicek G. Cancer is a metabolic deficiency. Med Hypotheses 1986;21(1):105-115.
(88) Zajicek G. Resistance to cancer chemotherapy. Med Hypotheses 1986;19(2):103-112.
(89) Simon A, Sadovsky E, Ohel G, Aboulafia Y, Zajicek G. Fetal activity in pregnancies complicated by rheumatic heart disease. J Perinat Med 1986;14(5):331-334.
(90) Ohel G, Sadovsky E, Aboulafia Y, Simon A, Zajicek G. Fetal Activity in Premature Rupture of Membranes. Am J Perinatol 1986;3(4):337-338.
(91) Yagil C, Michaeli Y, Zajicek G. Compensatory proliferative response of the rat submandibular salivary gland to unilateral extirpation. Virchows Archiv B Cell Pathol 1985;49(1):83-91.
(92) Fich A, Arber N, Sestieri M, Zajicek G, Rachmilewitz D. Effect of misoprostol and cimetidine on gastric cell turnover. Digest Dis Sci 1985;30(11 Supplement):133S-135S.
(93) Zajicek G. Inflammation initiates cancer by depleting stem cells. Med Hypotheses 1985;18(3):207-219.
(94) Zajicek G, Yagil C, Michaeli Y. The streaming submandibular gland. Anat Rec 1985;213(2):150-158.
(95) ZAJICEK G, OREN R, WEINREB M. The streaming liver. Liver 1985;5(6):293-300.
(96) Weinreb M, Steigman S, Zajicek G, Michaeli Y. Odontoblast turnover in the impeded and unimpeded rat incisor derived from computerized histomorphometry. Anat Rec 1985;211(2):218-225.
(97) Zajicek G. Congenital neoplasia - A stem cell pathology. Med Hypotheses 1985;16(3):303-313.
(98) Naparstek E, Zajicek G, Or R, Rachmilewitz EA, Elias M, Polliack A. Results of therapy in adult acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia: Experience in Jerusalem, Israel, during 1975-1982. Acta Haematol 1985;73(1):11-15.
(99) Zajicek G. The estimation of host-resistance in cancer. Med Hypotheses 1985;18(1):79-89.
(100) Fich A, Arber N, Sestieri M, Zajicek G, Rachmilewitz D. Effect of misoprostol and cimetidine on gastric cell labeling index. Gastroenterology 1985;89(1):57-61.
(101) Weinreb M, Zajicek G, Levij IS. Discrimination between normal and malignant gastric epithelial cells by computer image analysis. Anal Quant Cytol 1984;6(3):206-210.
(102) Zajicek G. Neoplasia - A stem cell pathology. Med Hypotheses 1984;13(2):125-136.
(103) Zajicek G, Shohat M, Polliack A. On the maturation rate of the neutrophil. Anat Rec 1984;209(1):85-94.
(105) Zajicek G. On the declining cancer hazard rate. Letter to the editor. Med Hypotheses 1984;13(1):123-124.
(106) Zajicek G. On the improving chances of the cancer patient. Med Hypotheses 1983;12(4):369-376.
(107) Zajicek G, Shohat M. On the classification of nucleated red blood cells. Comput Biomed Res 1983;16(6):553-562.
(108) Pe'er J, Zajicek G, Barzel I. Computerised evaluation of visual fields. Br J Ophthalmol 1983;67(1):50-53.
(109) Steigman S, Michaeli Y, Weinreb M, Zajicek G. Three‐dimensional reconstruction of the rat incisor by means of computerized histomorphometry. Anat Rec 1983;205(4):455-464.
(110) Zajicek G, Shohat M, Melnik Y, Yeger A. Image analysis of nucleated red blood cells. Comput Biomed Res 1983;16(4):347-356.
(111) Zajicek G. The intestinal proliferon hypothesis. J Theor Biol 1982;97(2):337-340.
(112) Zajicek G. Image processing in histopathology. Methods Inf Med 1982;21(4):167-168.
(113) Zajicek G. On the inadequacy of the concept of disease. Med Hypotheses 1982;9(2):169-177.
(114) Michaeli Y, Pitaru S, Zajicek G. Localized damage to the periodontal ligament and its effect on the eruptive process of the rat incisor. J Periodontal Res 1982;17(3):300-308.
(115) Zajicek G. The incubation time of cancer. Med Hypotheses 1982;8(1):1-10.
(116) Pe'er J, Zajicek G. Computer image analysis of the ocular fundus. Methods Inf Med 1982;21(1):23-25.
(117) Pitaru S, Michaeli Y, Zajicek G. Vascular turnover of a continuously growing organ: The rat incisor. Anat Rec 1982;202(2):203-208.
(118) Zajicek G, Meinzer HP, Komitowski D. Automated image processing of the colon crypt epithelium. Comput Biomed Res 1982;15(2):155-163.
(119) Zajicek G. The histogenesis of glandular neoplasia. Med Hypotheses 1981;7(10):1241-1251.
(120) Zajicek G. On the relevant model for human cancer. Med Hypotheses 1981;7(9):1139-1146.
(121) Zajicek G. The risk of chemotherapy. Med Hypotheses 1981;7(3):363-372.
(123) Zajicek G. On neoplastic grading. Med Hypotheses 1981;7(4):503-510.
(124) Steigman S, Michaeli Y, Zajicek G. The influence of calibrated loads upon the rate of eruption of mandibular rat incisors. Arch Oral Biol 1981;26(4):327-331.
(125) Zajicek G. The classification of continuous replicator pathologies. Med Hypotheses 1981;7(3):401-410.
(126) Zajicek G. The risk of cancer therapy. Med Hypotheses 1980;6(7):727-733.
(127) Pe'er J, Zajicek G. Computer image analysis of the optic disc. Ophthalmologica 1980;181(5):266-270.
(128) Zajicek G. The fundamental principle of medicine. Med Hypotheses 1980;6(6):665-670.
(129) Zajicek G. Feedback in cancer. Med Hypotheses 1980;6(12):1315-1325.
(130) Zajicek G. Who is afraid of carcinogens? Med Hypotheses 1980;6(5):447-453.
(131) Zajicek G. Neoplasia withstands cancer. Med Hypotheses 1980;6(6):627-637.
(132) Michaeli Y, Zajicek G, Weinreb M. The growth of the autotransplanted rat incisor tooth odontogenic organ. J Biol Buccale 1979;7(3):243-249.
(133) Zajicek G. Computers in cardiology. Harefuah 1979;97(3-4):77-79.
(134) Zajicek G. Proliferon: The functional unit of rapidly proliferating organs. Med Hypotheses 1979;5(1):161-174.
(135) Zajicek G, Maayan C, Rosenmann E. Digital picture analysis of the renal tubulus. Comput Biomed Res 1979;12(3):291-298.
(136) Zajicek G, Michaeli Y, Regev J. A NEW METHOD FOR THE ESTIMATION OF CELL CYCLE PHASES. Cell Prolif 1979;12(3):229-237.
(137) Zajicek G, Michaeli Y, Regev J. ON THE PROGENITOR CELL MIGRATION VELOCITY. Cell Prolif 1979;12(5):453-460.
(138) Zajicek G. The ideal human neoplasm. Med Hypotheses 1979;5(10):1133-1139.
(139) Michaeli Y, Zajicek PG, Ginio I. Cell Production in the Normal and Lathyrogenic Rat Periodontal Ligament (PDL). J Dent Res 1979;58(1):511-515.
(140) Maayan C, Zajicek G, Rosenmann E. Computer image analysis of kidney histopathological sections. Int J Bio-Med Comput 1979;10(1):23-28.
(141) Zajicek G. Metastasis as a beneficial process. Med Hypotheses 1979;5(3):351-358.
(142) Zajicek G, Michaeli Y. On the potential of the adult rat incisor odontogenic organ to differentiate into two intact teeth. J Biol Buccale 1978;6(4):339-342.
(143) Michaeli Y, Zajicek G, Regev J. The adaptation of a two-compartment cell renewal system to external demands - A study of the rat incisor inner enamel epithelium. Cell Tissue Res 1978;194(1):163-170.
(144) Zajicek G. Cancer as a systemic disease. Med Hypotheses 1978;4(3):193-207.
(145) Zajicek G. On medical statistics and clinical experiments (author's transl). Harefuah 1977;93(10):311-314.
(146) Zajicek G. The intestinal proliferon. J Theor Biol 1977;67(3):515-521.
(147) Zajicek G. How to implement a hospital information system. II. Organization and methods. Harefuah 1977;92(7):323-324.
(148) Boss JH, Zajicek G, Rosenmann E. Urinary excretion of alpha‐fetoprotein in rats on a cirrhogenic carbon tetrachloride regimen. J Pathol 1977;123(2):85-92.
(149) Zajicek G, Maayan C, Rosenmann E. The application of cluster analysis to glomerular histopathology. Comput Biomed Res 1977;10(5):471-481.
(150) Zajicek G, Maayan C, Rosenmann E. Toxonomy as a tool for classification of kidney disease. Harefuah 1977;93(1-2):17-20+55.
(151) Bar-Lev M, Michaeli Y, Zajicek G, Weinreb MM. Role of Attrition and Occlusal Contact in the Physiology of the Rat Incisor: XI. Kinetics of Inner Enamel Epithelium During Severely Impeded Eruption. J Dent Res 1977;56(2):135-139.
(152) Boss JH, Zajicek G, Okon E, Rosenmann E. Excretion of alpha foetoprotein in the urine of rats during exposure to 3 methyl 4 dimethylaminoazobenzene. Br J Cancer 1977;35(1):100-109.
(153) Zajicek G. How to implement a hospital information system (Hebrew). Harefuah 1977;92(1):30-31+47.
(154) Boss JH, Rosenmann E, Zajicek G. Urinary excretion of alpha fetoprotein in the rat. J Med 1976;7(3-4):217-226.
(155) Ron A, Zajicek G. The size distribution of Tetrahymena in relation to its position in the cell cycle. Experientia 1976;32(9):1150-1153.
(156) Boss JH, Rosenmann E, Zajicek G. Alpha-fetoprotein and liver cell proliferation in rats fed choline-deficient diet. Z Ernährungswiss 1976;15(2):211-216.
(157) Zajicek G. THE RODENT INCISOR TOOTH PROLIFERON. Cell Prolif 1976;9(3):207-214.
(158) Bar‐Lev M, Zajicek G, Michaeli Y, Weinreb MM. INNER ENAMEL EPITHELIUM CELL PRODUCTION RATES. Cell Prolif 1976;9(5):413-418.
(159) Hershko C, Cohen H, Zajicek G. Iron Mobilization in the Pregnant Rat. Br J Haematol 1976;33(4):505-516.
(160) Pitaru S, Michaeli Y, Zajicek G, Weinreb MM. Role of Attrition and Occlusal Contact in the Physiology of the Rat Incisor: X. The Part Played by the Periodontal Ligament in the Eruptive Process. J Dent Res 1976;55(5):819-824.
(161) Zajicek G. On the age specific incidence and death rates of carcinomata. J Chronic Dis 1976;29(9):549-555.
(162) Zajicek G. Proceedings: Computer analysis of histological liver sections. Isr J Med Sci 1976;12(1):84.
(163) Michaeli Y, Pitaru S, Zajicek G, Weinreb MM. Role of Attrition and Occlusal Contact in the Physiology of the Rat Incisor: IX. Impeded and Unimpeded Eruption in Lathyritic Rats. J Dent Res 1975;54(4):891-896.
(164) Zajicek G. Image processing of rat hepatocytes. Int J Bio-Med Comput 1974;5(3):225-232.
(165) Michaeli Y, Weinreb MM, Zajicek G. Role of Attrition and Occlusal Contact in the Physiology of the Rat Incisor: VIII. Tooth Length and Occlusal Plane as Regulating Factors of Eruption and Attrition Rates. J Dent Res 1974;53(5):1215-1218.
(167) Michaeli Y, Weinreb MM, Zajicek G. The influence of mechanical force on the proliferation and maturation of cells in the basal area of the rat incisor. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim 1973;22(0):90-93.
(168) Zajicek G. A computer model of a two compartment cell renewal system. Int J Bio-Med Comput 1973;4(4):285-294.
(170) Michaeli Y, Weinreb MM, Zajicek G. Role of Attrition and Occlusal Contact in the Physiology of Rat Incisors: V. Life Cycle of Inner Enamel Epithelial Cells at Various Rates of Eruption. J Dent Res 1972;51(4):960-963.
(173) Weiss GH, Zajicek G. Kinetics of red blood cells following hemolysis. J Theor Biol 1969;23(3):475-491.
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