איתור מידע ממשטרת ישראל על אירועים ועבירותבמערכת לאיתור מידע על עבירות ואירועים של משטרת ישראל אפשר לאתר מידע באמצעות חיפוש ישוב, כביש, סוג אירוע, מוקדי 100, תאונות ועוד.
Office of Statistics RegulationsOfficial statistics are statistics that are produced by crown bodies, those acting on behalf of crown bodies, or those specified in statutory orders, as defined in the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007. The Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), the regulatory arm of the UK Statistics Authority, assesses compliance of these statistics against the Code of Practice for Statistics.
Official statistics that are assessed as fully compliant with the Code (that is, they meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and value) are designated as National Statistics.
National Statistics are produced by UK Government departments, the Devolved Administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and arm’s length bodies.
The List of National Statistics
The List of National Statistics is a comprehensive list of all statistical products that Office for Statistics Regulation has designated as National Statistics. To be designated as a National Statistic, a statistical product must be assessed against the Code of Practice for Statistics and be deemed compliant.
The list will be updated regularly. Changes may occur when: a new statistical product is designated as National Statistics; the National Statistics status is removed from an existing statistical product (it is de-designated); or a statistical product is discontinued and no longer published.
Bureau of Justice StatisticsBJS is the primary statistical agency of the Department of Justice. It is one of the thirteen principal federal statistical agencies throughout the Executive Branch, agencies whose activities are predominantly focused on the collection, compilation, processing, or analysis of information for statistical purposes.
The mission of BJS is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government. BJS also provides financial and technical support to state, local, and tribal governments to improve both their statistical capabilities and the quality and utility of their criminal history records.
The Court Statistics ProjectThe Court Statistics Project (CSP) — a joint project of the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) and the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) — publishes caseload data from the courts of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. These data are provided by the offices of the state court administrator in those jurisdictions. The data reported here conform to the definitions and case counting rules in the State Court Guide to Statistical Reporting (Guide). States publish their own data that may be more extensive, although not directly comparable to other states for a variety of reasons, including differences in court structure, case definitions and counting practices, court rules, statutes, or terminology. The experience of the CSP staff, along with adherence to the Guide's reporting framework, ensures comparability of the data reported to CSP. The support and partnership of COSCA, the Conference of Chief Justices, the National Conference of Appellate Court Clerks and NACM are an essential part of our success.
Data.GovThe United States Government’s open data site is designed to unleash the power of government open data to inform decisions by the public and policymakers, drive innovation and economic activity, achieve agency missions, and strengthen the foundation of an open and transparent government.
Judicial Research InitiativeThe Judicial Research Initiative, hosted by the University of South Carolina, contains databases on the United States Supreme Court, United States Courts of Appeals, the High Courts of select Nations, and limited resources on State Supreme Courts.
U.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsIn 1884, the Bureau of Labor was established in the Department of Interior. In 1888, it became an independent department for nearly 15 years before being incorporated into the Department of Commerce and Labor in 1903. In 1913, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) was transferred to the newly created Department of Labor.
Statistics CanadaStatistics Canada is the national statistical office. The agency ensures Canadians have the key information on Canada's economy, society and environment that they require to function effectively as citizens and decision makers.
Statistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists by Franco Taroni; Silvia Bozza; Colin AitkenStatistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists The leading resource in the statistical evaluation and interpretation of forensic evidence The third edition of Statistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists is fully updated to provide the latest research and developments in the use of statistical techniques to evaluate and interpret evidence. Courts are increasingly aware of the importance of proper evidence assessment when there is an element of uncertainty. Because of the increasing availability of data, the role of statistical and probabilistic reasoning is gaining a higher profile in criminal cases. That's why lawyers, forensic scientists, graduate students, and researchers will find this book an essential resource, one which explores how forensic evidence can be evaluated and interpreted statistically. It's written as an accessible source of information for all those with an interest in the evaluation and interpretation of forensic scientific evidence. Discusses the entire chain of reasoning-from evidence pre-assessment to court presentation; Includes material for the understanding of evidence interpretation for single and multiple trace evidence; Provides real examples and data for improved understanding. Since the first edition of this book was published in 1995, this respected series has remained a leading resource in the statistical evaluation of forensic evidence. It shares knowledge from authors in the fields of statistics and forensic science who are international experts in the area of evidence evaluation and interpretation. This book helps people to deal with uncertainty related to scientific evidence and propositions. It introduces a method of reasoning that shows how to update beliefs coherently and to act rationally. In this edition, readers can find new information on the topics of elicitation, subjective probabilities, decision analysis, and cognitive bias, all discussed in a Bayesian framework.
Statistics New ZealandStats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa is New Zealand's official data agency.
We collect information from people and organisations through censuses and surveys. We use this information to publish insights and data about New Zealand, and support others to use the data.
Stats NZ is a government department with over 1,000 employees. We have staff at offices in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch, and in the field across New Zealand.
European Union
EurostatEurostat produces European statistics in partnership with National Statistical Institutes and other national authorities in the EU Member States. This partnership is known as the European Statistical System (ESS). It also includes the statistical authorities of the European Economic Area (EEA) countries and Switzerland.
The Government Finance Statistics (GFS)The Government Finance Statistics (GFS) database contains fiscal data for all reporting countries in the framework of the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014). It includes detailed data on revenues, expenditures, transactions in financial assets and liabilities, and balance sheet data and includes data for the general government sector and its subsectors. This site also includes present presentations of GFS data by country and by indicators, as well as provides the option to download data with customized queries.