100 Applications
Physics & Chemistry
- 101 Mechanics. Ballistics. Astronomy. Calendar geophysics. Engineering
- 102 Theory of continua. Elasticity. Oscillations. Hydrodynamics. Waves. Acoustics
- 103 Electrodynamics. Electricity and magnetics. Relativity. Optics
- 104 Atomic physics. Quantum field theory. Elementary particles. Scattering theory. Inverse scattering
- 105 Other topics in theoretical physics. Crystallography. Chemistry
- 106 Thermodynamics. Statistical mechanics. Analytical theory of heat
107 Biology
Genetics. Biophysics. Life sciences. Medicine
108 Economics
Finance. Demography. Sociometry
109 Cybernetics. Control systems. Circuit theory. Deterministics and probabilistics. Automata. Psychology. Algebraic linguistics