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Books - ספרים
Advanced Introduction to Legal Research Methods by Ernst H. Ballin
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. In this carefully drafted work, Ernst Hirsch Ballin uncovers the foundations of legal research methods, an area of legal scholarship distinctly lacking in standardisation. Offering a critical overview of the theories underlying methodological research, as well as the methods themselves, the book explores how such methods differ along critical, empirical, and fundamental lines, and how, by building on these approaches, legal research may contribute to well-considered developments in the law. Such explorative research, the author argues, is crucial in overcoming crises and restoring trust in the law. Key features include: an exploration of the common object of legal research: law in the sense of legal rules, decisions, principles and values special emphasis on the legal-grammatical category of personhood and on constitutional foundations a consideration of law as a normative language intended to guide behaviour a consideration of the theoretical underpinnings of legal research methods. This Advanced Introduction will greatly benefit legal scholars who seek to understand the object and methods of their work, as well as law and philosophy students looking to grasp the theoretical and methodological foundations of law and legal development.
ISBN: 9781788977180
Publication Date: 2020
Methodologies of Legal Research: Which Kind of Method for What Kind of Discipline? by Mark Van Hoecke (Editor)
Until quite recently questions about methodology in legal research have been largely confined to understanding the role of doctrinal research as a scholarly discipline. In turn this has involved asking questions not only about coverage but, fundamentally, questions about the identity of the discipline. Is it (mainly) descriptive, hermeneutical, or normative? Should it also be explanatory? Legal scholarship has been torn between, on the one hand, grasping the expanding reality of law and its context, and, on the other, reducing this complex whole to manageable proportions. The purely internal analysis of a legal system, isolated from any societal context, remains an option, and is still seen in the approach of the French academy, but as law aims at ordering society and influencing human behaviour, this approach is felt by many scholars to be insufficient. Consequently many attempts have been made to conceive legal research differently. Social scientific and comparative approaches have proven fruitful. However, does the introduction of other approaches leave merely a residue of 'legal doctrine', to which pockets of social sciences can be added, or should legal doctrine be merged with the social sciences? What would such a broad interdisciplinary field look like and what would its methods be? This book is an attempt to answer some of these questions.
ISBN: 9781847317803
Publication Date: 2011
אידאולוגיה וחוק בפסיקת בית המשפט העליון: ניתוח כמותי והשוואתי by קרן וינשל-מרגל
אילו שיקולים מנחים שופטים בבואם לקבל החלטות בסוגיות שנויות במחלוקת פוליטית עד כמה, אם בכלל, משפיעות העמדות האידאולוגיות של שופטים על הכרעתם איזה משקל ואיזו השפעה יש לחוק לשאלות אלה השלכות נורמטיביות על סוגיות כגון שיטת מינוי שופטים, הפרדת רשויות, סמכותו של בית המשפט לפסוק בעניינים הנוגעים לקביעת מדיניות ועוד. למרות חשיבות השאלות והימצאותן במוקד הדיון הציבורי בישראל, ניכר חסר במחקרים אמפיריים שעשויים לשפוך עליהן אור. ספרה של ד"ר קרן וינשל-מרגל, אידאולוגיה וחוק בפסיקת בית המשפט העליון: ניתוח כמותי והשוואתי, מבקש למלא את החסר. הספר מציע שיטות חדשניות למדידת עמדות אידיאולוגיות של שופטים בישראל וכן להערכת השפעת החוק על החלטותיהם. בהתבסס על מדדים אלו, נערך בספר ניתוח כמותי ואיכותני של החלטות שופטי בית המשפט העליון בתחומי חופש הדת, המאבק בטרור והזכות לבחור ולהיבחר. דפוסי ההחלטות בישראל מושווים לאלו שבבתי המשפט העליונים הפדרליים בארצות-הברית ובקנדה. מהניתוח עולה כי מאפיינים מוסדיים שונים, כשיטת מינוי השופטים ומנגנון ברירת התיקים, מובילים לכך שהשופטים בישראל מונעים במידה נמוכה יחסית מעמדותיהם האידיאולוגיות. הניתוח מאיר את הקשר המורכב בין יסודות אידאולוגיים ליסודות משפטיים ואת השפעתו על החלטות שופטים בערכאות המשפטיות הגבוהות ביותר.
Publication Date: 2016
Legal Research in a Nutshell by Kent C. Olson
Finding and using legal resources effectively is an essential skill for lawyers. This comprehensive but succinct guide covers research procedures using major online services, free Internet resources, and library materials. Several hundred websites are discussed and placed in context for effective and productive use in research. Discussion includes coverage of legislative history, administrative law, specialized and interdisciplinary resources, and research in international and comparative law. Appendices list state research guides and treatises and services by subject, and a companion website has a regularly updated list of URLs and illustrations of online and print resources. For more information and additional teaching materials, visit the companion site.
ISBN: 9781640208049
Publication Date: 2018
International Legal Research in a Nutshell by Marci Hoffman
This Nutshell provides a basic introduction to international and foreign legal research for the non-specialist. It offers guidance through the unfamiliar pathways of research using international and non-US legal materials and demystifies the world of treaties and international case law. Since it's aimed at the non-specialist, it provides straight-forward background information on the United Nations and the European Union and includes guidance using the documents and legal materials of these institutions. There are extensive links to the rich world of Web resources, but it also describes print research tools that remain important in this field. It also sets out a road map for approaching a research problem involving international, foreign and comparative law. Finally, there is information on keeping current on new information and resources as well as tips for how to do handle source collection and cite-checking an international law journal article. Additional teaching materials are available for this title, and include online links to research sources noted in the book:Appendix A: Comprehensive List of SourcesAppendix B: Websites Containing National LawAppendix C: Web Treaty CollectionsAppendix D: Planning Your Research and Organizational Tools
ISBN: 9781684675845
Publication Date: 2021