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רשות הספריות

מדריכים לפי תחומים

איך למצוא ספר בספרייה - מדעי המחשב: 251-259

מדריכים  מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב  מדעי המחשב

חיפוש בקטלוג הספרייה

המלצת הספרייה

Theory and mathematics of computing

251 Numerical analysis

251.1 Error analysis, Digital filters, Computer arithmetic

251.2 Function evaluation

251.3 Interpolation, Functional approximation

251.4 Linear algebra

251.5 Nonlinear equations, Functional equations

251.6 Numerical integration, Numerical differentiation

251.7 Ordinary differential equations, Partial differential equations

251.8 Integral equations

251.9 Parallel and distributed algorithms, High performance systems

252 Metatheory, Category

252.1 Logic, Formal systems

252.11 Boolean algebras

252.12 Theorem proving, Constraint satisfaction systems

252.13 Dynamic logic, Temporal logic

252.14 Petri Nets

252.2 Automata theory

252.21 Finite state automata

252.22 Cellular automata

252.23 Stochastic automata

252.24 Sequential machines

252.25 Tree Automata

252.3 Formal languages

252.4 Programs schemata, Semantics, Correctness, Program. specifications (see also 241.8)

252.5 Computational complexity, Efficiency of algorithms, Algorithmic randomness

252.6 Algorithmic game theory, Algorithmic mechanism design, Algorithmic social choice, Electronic commerce

252.7 Computability, Unsolvability, Recursive functions

252.8 Rewriting systems, Graph reductions

253 Combinatorial mathematics, Discrete mathematics

253.1 Sorting

253.2 Graph theory, Graph algorithms

254 Mathematical programming

254.1 Linear programming, Non-linear programming, Dynamic programming, Network flows. (see also 93)

254.2 Optimization of application programs, Annealing. (see also 86)

255 Probability, Statistics

255.4 Monte-Carlo methods

256 Digital communications, Information theory, Coding, Data compression

256.1 Digital and analog communications--General

256.2 Information theory

256.3 Coding

256.4 Data compression

257 Symbolic algebraic computations

258 Cybernetics

258.1 Neural networks

258.2 Perception, Cognitive science

259 Systems and control theory

259.1 Linear systems

259.2 Nonlinear and complex systems

259.3 Control systems and theory

259.31 Feedback control systems

259.32 Digital control systems

259.33 Adaptive and fuzzy control

259.34 Process control

259.35 Optimal control