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רשות הספריות

מדריכים לפי תחומים

איך למצוא ספר בספרייה - מדעי המחשב: 261-263

מדריכים  מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב  מדעי המחשב

חיפוש בקטלוג הספרייה

המלצת הספרייה


261 Logics, Arithmetics, Logic design, Switching theory, Analog-digital converters

261.1 Logics, Arithmetics

261.12 Boolean algebra (Hardware)

261.14 Threshold logic

261.16 Arithmetic, Ternary logic, Multiple-valued logic

261.18 Arithmetics-Other

261.2 Design automation

261.3 Theoretical logic design, Switching theory

261.5 Applied methods of logic design, Applied methods of switching theory

261.6 VLSI Systems

261.7 Design Language. See also: 242.17 Programming Languages--High Level Machine Oriented Languages, System Implementation Languages.

262 Computer Systems Organization (Architecture)

262.1 Descriptions of machines

262.12 Minicomputer systems

262.13 Microcomputers, Microprogramming

262.14 Commercially available machines

262.15 Super computers, Super computer applications

262.16 Unique machines, Special-purpose machines, Parallel processors

262.17 Multiprocessors, Distributed Memory Computers, Array Processes

262.3 Machine organization-consideration, Machine organization-concepts

262.32 Evaluation of hardware

262.34 Software for describing architecture, Languages for describing architecture

262.35 Optical computers

262.36 Networks, Communications, Wireless communications

262.37 Memory organization (see also 263.4)

262.39 Modular construction, Bit slice, Fault-tolerant design

262.4 Fault detection

262.8 Analog computers, Hybrid computers, Hybrid Systems, Quantum Computation, DNA Computation [C.1.m]

262.9 Interfacing, Interfaces

263 Component circuits, Component modules

263.1 Circuit theory, Physical electronics

263.2 Arithmetic units (see also 261.1)

263.4 Storage units

263.5 Input/Output equipment

263.6 Auxiliary off-line equipment

263.7 Auxiliary on-line equipment