מעודכן ל: 19.4.2023
Advanced (Healthcare) Directive
Advance Decisions
Living Will
End of Life Decisions (Planning)
Healthcare Proxy
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
Scott Becker, Advance Directive Statutes (Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (DPAHC), in 1 Health Care Law: A Practical Guide, Appendix 19A (MB), Lexis (database updated Sept. 2022) (type into Lexis: 1 Health Care Law: A Practical Guide, Second Edition Appendix 19A).
Donna Litman, Living Wills, in 5 Murphy's Will Clauses (MB) §§ 20.01-20.08, Lexis (database updated May 2023).
Martin M. Shenkman, Exhibit B: Annotated Living Will Reflecting Religious and Health Considerations, in 48 Heckerling Inst. on Est. Planning, Univ. of Miami Law Center on Est. Planning (MB) ¶1907, Lexis (database updated Nov. 2022).
מעודכן ל: 19.4.2023
כל האזכורים של מקורות יש לאזכר לפי כללי האזכור האחיד והבלובוק. סרטוני הדרכה על אזכור חקיקה ופסיקה.