מעודכן ל: 20.8.2024
Law Libr. of Cong., Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Around the World, LL File No. 2023-022541, LRA-D-PUB-002627 (Aug. 2023).
Thomson Reuters, 50 State Statutory Surveys: Artificial Intelligence Legislation, Westlaw 0026 SURVEYS 101 (database updated Feb. 2024) (Type in 0026 SURVEYS 101 in the Westlaw search box).
This survey covers bills that are being considered by the legislatures of a number of jurisdictions, regarding the use of artificial intelligence. Federal legislation is included, along with legislation from California, Florida, Illinois, and New York.
Anu Bradford, Q&A: How different countries regulate digital tech and what it means for AI, Westlaw Today, 2023 DPDBRF 0105 (Oct. 12, 2023). (To access this document, go to Westlaw US and type in 2023 DPDBRF 0105).
מעודכן ל: 20.8.2024
כל האזכורים של מקורות יש לאזכר לפי כללי האזכור האחיד והבלובוק. סרטוני הדרכה על אזכור חקיקה ופסיקה.