ייצוג נשים בפוליטיקה : ישראל במבט השוואתי by אסף שפירא; עופר קניג; חן פרידברג; רעות איצקוביץ'-מלכה (עורכים)"מדוע חשוב שנשים יהיו מיוצגות בכנסת ובממשלה? האם נשים שנבחרו למוסדות אלה צפויות לקדם, יותר מגברים, אינטרסים “נשיים”? מהם הגורמים המשפיעים על ייצוג הנשים בפוליטיקה הישראלית? כיצד השתנה ייצוגן לאורך השנים והאם קביעת מכסות למיניהן היא המלצה טובה? מחקר המדיניות שלפנינו בוחן את ייצוג הנשים בפוליטיקה הישראלית במבט השוואתי. הנחת היסוד שלו היא שלייצוגן של נשים בפוליטיקה, ובפרט בבתי מחוקקים, חשיבות רבה, משום שהוא צועד יד ביד עם עקרונות ליברליים ודמוקרטיים. לפי חוקרים מסוימים, ייצוג זה חשוב גם משום שחברות פרלמנט מקדמות נושאים “נשיים” יותר משמקדמים אותם חברי הפרלמנט הגברים".
ISBN: 9789655191295
Publication Date: 2013
Gender, Race, and Office Holding in the United States: Representation at the Intersections by Becki ScolaOver the past several decades, the number of women elected to higher office in the United States has grown substantially. However, when the electoral gains of women are considered on a state-by-state basis, there are observable variations in the rate by state at which women are elected to state legislative office. Scholars have noted an additional variation in women office holders: that women of color serve at higher rates than white women. Becki Scola's book provides an explanation for these two interrelated puzzles on electoral gender gaps. She examines the factors surrounding the uneven proportional distribution of female legislators, and then explores why gender appears to be an advantage for women of color office holders. Through an examination of the divergent state-level institutional and environmental conditions, Scola maps out the factors that contribute to more, or less, female legislative service and how race/ethnicity intersects with these conditions. She reveals that the common conceptions and theories that help us understand women's office holding in general do not equally apply to both white women and women of color's legislative service.. The first book-length study to analyze how race informs gender in terms of patterns of office holding, Gender, Race, and Office Holding in the United States provides insight into both underrepresentation in general as well as the underlying dynamics of representation within specific groups of women.
Palestinian Women and Politics in Israel by Suheir Abu Oksa Daoud"A stimulating study of Palestinian Israeli feminism as a significant segment of 'a trapped minority.' This is a profound exploration of Israel's failed attempt to re-tribalize its Arab community, manifested by the triumph of the gradual modernization of that society's females through the experiences of work, education, and politicization."--Ghada Hashem Talhami, Lake Forest College Though equal rights protection is written into Israeli law, women are underrepresented in the political arena. This is especially true in the case of Palestinian women--only two in the entire sixty year history of Israel have been members of the Knesset. Suheir Abu Oksa Daoud examines the various factors that have created this culture of political oppression. She relies on both feminist theory and theories of colonial domination as well as conclusions drawn from personal interviews with female activists. Utilizing Arabic, English, and Hebrew sources, she also makes careful distinctions between the lives and experiences of Christian, Muslim, Bedouin, and Druze women. Daoud's focus remains squarely on the experiences of Palestinian women, however, and she demonstrates that the problem is not only due to the minority status of Palestinians. She reveals how they are further hampered by Arab cultural attitudes toward women and the overall political culture in Israel, which continues to privilege men over women even as it pays lip service to equality.
ISBN: 9780813033624
Publication Date: 2009
Walking the Gendered Tightrope: Theresa May and Nancy Pelosi as Legislative Leaders by Melissa Haussman; Karen M. KedrowskiWalking the Gendered Tightrope analyses the gendered expectations for women in high offices through the examples of British Prime Minister Theresa May and U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Even at their highest positions, and while completing their greatest achievements, both May and Pelosi faced gendered critiques and intraparty challenges to their leadership. While other books have analysed the barriers to higher office that women face, this book reveals how women in positions of power are still forced to balance feminine stereotypes with the perception of power as masculine in order to prove their legitimacy. By examining intraparty dynamics, this book offers a unique comparison between a majoritarian presidential and Westminster parliamentary system. While their parties promoted Pelosi and May to highlight their progressive values, both women faced continually gendered critiques about their abilities to lead their caucuses on difficult policy issues, such as the Affordable Care Act and two Trump impeachment votes for Nancy Pelosi, or finishing Brexit for Theresa May. Grounded in the legislative literature from the United States and Britain, as well as historical accounts and personal interviews, Walking the Gendered Tightrope contributes to the fields of gender and politics, legislative studies, American politics, and British politics.
ISBN: 9780472076345
Publication Date: 2023
Where Women Run: Gender and Party in the American States by Kira SanbonmatsuWhy don't more women run for office? Why are certain states more likely to have female candidates and representatives? Would strengthening political parties narrow the national gender gap? Where Women Run addresses these important questions through a rare and incisive look at how candidates are recruited. Drawing on surveys and case studies of party leaders and legislators in six states, political scientist Kira Sanbonmatsu analyzes the links between parties and representation, exposing the mechanism by which parties' informal recruitment practices shape who runs--or doesn't run--for political office in America. "Kira Sanbonmatsu has done a masterful job of linking the representation of women in elective office to the activities of party organizations in the states. She combines qualitative and quantitative data to show how women are navigating the campaign process to become elected leaders and the changing role of party organizations in their recruitment and election. It is a significant contribution to the study of representative democracy." --Barbara Burrell, Northern Illinois University "Sanbonmatsu has produced an excellent study that will invigorate research on the role of political parties and the recruitment of women candidates. Using a variety of methods and data sources, she has crafted a tightly constructed, clearly argued, and exceedingly well-written study. A commendable and convincing job." --Gary Moncrief, Boise State University "Sanbonmatsu offers important insights in two neglected areas of American politics: the role of political parties in recruiting candidates and the continued under-representation of women in elected office. Connecting the two subjects through careful qualitative and statistical methods, insightful interpretation of the literature and interesting findings, the book is a significant new addition to scholarship on parties, gender, and political recruitment." --Linda Fowler, Dartmouth College Kira Sanbonmatsu is Associate Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University and Senior Scholar at the Eagleton Institute of Politics' Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP). She was previously associate professor at Ohio State University. She is the author of Democrats, Republicans, and the Politics of Women's Place.
ISBN: 9780472025657
Publication Date: 2010
The Routledge Handbook to Religion and Political Parties by Jeffrey Haynes (Editor)As religion and politics become ever more intertwined, relationships between religion and political parties are of increasing global political significance. This handbook responds to that development, providing important results of current research involving religion and politics, focusing on: democratisation, democracy, party platform formation, party moderation and secularisation, social constituency representation and interest articulation. Covering core issues, new debates, and country case studies, the handbook provides a comprehensive overview of fundamentals and new directions in the subject. Adopting a comparative approach, it examines the relationships between religion and political parties in a variety of contexts, regions and countries with a focus on Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism. Contributions cover such topics as: religion, secularisation and modernisation; religious fundamentalism and terrorism; the role of religion in conflict resolution and peacebuilding; religion and its connection to state, democratisation and democracy; and regional case studies covering Asia, the Americas, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa. This comprehensive handbook provides crucial information for students, researchers and professionals researching the topics of politics, religion, comparative politics, secularism, religious movements, political parties and interest groups, and religion and sociology.
ISBN: 9781351012461
Publication Date: 2019
The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups by Sandy Maisel; Jeffrey M. Berry (Editors)The Oxford Handbooks of American Politics is a set of reference books offering authoritative and engaging critical overviews of the state of scholarship on American politics. Each volume focuses on a particular aspect of the field. The project is under the General Editorship of George C. Edwards III, and distinguished specialists in their respective fields edit each volume. The Handbooks aim not just to report on the discipline, but also to shape it as scholars critically assess the scholarship on a topic and propose directions in which it needs to move. The series is an indispensable reference for anyone working in American politics. The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups is a major new volume that will help scholars assess the current state of scholarship on parties and interest groups and the directions in which it needs to move. Never before has the academic literature on political parties received such an extended treatment. Thirty chapters critically assess both the major contributions to the literature and the ways in which it has developed. With contributions from most of the leading scholars in the field, the volume provides a definitive point of reference for all those working in and around the area. Equally important, the authors also identify areas of new and interesting research. These chapters offer a distinctive point of view, an argument about the successes and failures of past scholarship, and a set of recommendations about how future work ought to develop. This volume will help set the agenda for research on political parties and interest groups for the next decade. General Editor for The Oxford Handbooks of American Politics: George C. Edwards III
ISBN: 1280595434
Publication Date: 2010
Parliamentary Representation of Political Minorities by Osnat AkiravThis book assesses parliamentary speeches given by Arab representatives in the Israeli Knesset over the last 70 years, in order to throw light on the representation of political minorities. It examines several political 'identities' available to legislators with intersectional representation - including gender, religion and nationality - and considers the ways in which legislators utilise these various identities when representing their constituencies to further their political aims. The book also puts forward a new theoretical framework to better assess intersectional representation, especially in multi-national settings. It will appeal to all those interested in public policy, political representation, and comparative politics, as well Middle Eastern politics.
ISBN: 9783031532498
Publication Date: 2024
מממשל צבאי למסמכי החזון : המיעוט הערבי בפוליטיקה הישראלית by נויברגר, בנימיןהספר ממשל צבאי למסמכי החזון - המיעוט הערבי בפוליטיקה הישראלית דן במיעוט הערבי בפוליטיקה הישראלית מתקופת הממשל הצבאי בשנות החמישים ועד ימינו. בין הנושאים המרכזיים שהספר עוסק בהם ? המעמד החוקי של המיעוט הערבי במדינה יהודית, הדילמה בין ביטחון לבין דמוקרטיה, שאלת הזהות של ערביי ישראל, סוגיית הקרקעות והפערים הכלכליים-חברתיים בין יהודים לערבים ויחסי רוב-מיעוט מהבחינה התאורטית וההשוואתית. בספר מתקיים גם דיון מפורט במפלגות הערביות ובדפוסי ההצבעה במגזר הערבי בישראל.
Twists of Fate: Multiracial Coalitions and Minority Representation in the US House of Representatives by Vanessa C. TysonMembers of Congress from racial minority groups often find themselves in a unique predicament. For one thing, they tend to represent constituencies that are more economically disadvantaged than those of their white colleagues. Moreover, they themselves experience marginalization during the process of policy formulation on Capitol Hill. In Twists of Fate, Vanessa C. Tyson illuminates the experiences of racial minority members of the House of Representatives as they endeavor to provide much-needed resources for their districts. In doing so, she devises a framework for understanding the federal legislative behavior of House members representing marginalized communities. She points to the unique ways in which they conceive of political influence as well as the strategies they have adopted for success. Black, Hispanic, and Asian Pacific American Caucuses, among other minority groups, have built cross-racial coalitions that reflect their linked political fate. This strategy differs considerably from competitive approaches often espoused at the local level and from the more atomized interactions of representatives at the federal level of the policy process. Tyson draws on years of personal experience observing and interacting with members of the House of Representatives in session, in their home districts, at functions sponsored by racial minority caucuses, and at White House events to illustrate her argument. Despite variation of experience and ideology within and amongst racial minority groups, she shows that representatives of minority coalitions have repeatedly and successfully worked together as they advocate for equality and social justice. She also points to a willingness among these coalitions to champion a non-discrimination agenda that extends beyond "traditional" issues of race and ethnicity to issues of class, gender and orientation. Twists of Fate provides a compelling model for understanding how diverse groups can work together to forge hopeful political futures.
ISBN: 0190250925
Publication Date: 2016
Oversight: Representing the Interests of Blacks and Latinos in Congress by Michael D. Minta"Oversight" answers the question of whether black and Latino legislators better represent minority interests in Congress than white legislators, and it is the first book on the subject to focus on congressional oversight rather than roll-call voting. In this important book, Michael Minta demonstrates that minority lawmakers provide qualitatively better representation of black and Latino interests than their white counterparts. They are more likely to intervene in decision making by federal agencies by testifying in support of minority interests at congressional oversight hearings. Minority legislators write more letters urging agency officials to enforce civil rights policies, and spend significant time and effort advocating for solutions to problems that affect all racial and ethnic groups, such as poverty, inadequate health care, fair housing, and community development. In "Oversight," Minta argues that minority members of Congress act on behalf of broad minority interests--inside and outside their districts--because of a shared bond of experience and a sense of linked fate. He shows how the presence of black and Latino legislators in the committee room increases the chances that minority perspectives and concerns will be addressed in committee deliberations, and also how minority lawmakers are effective at countering negative stereotypes about minorities in policy debates on issues like affirmative action and affordable housing.