French Law: A Comparative Approach by Eva SteinerThe second edition of French Law: A Comparative Approach provides an authoritative, comprehensive, and up to date account of the French legal system and its internal workings. It sets out the institutional frameworks, substantive law, and methodologies that underpin the system, and provides expert insight into the civil law way of thinking and an explanation of how law is made and enforced in France. It offers detailed case studies of how French law is shaped in practice in key areas, including commentary on landmark cases that have shaped modern French law. Illuminating and insightful comparisons to other legal jurisdictions are made throughout, helping readers appreciate the distinguishing features and unique nature of the French legal landscape.
ISBN: 0198790880
Publication Date: 2018
Introduction to French Law by E. Picard; G. BermannNow also available as eBook, click here to buy and download your copy now French law displays many characteristics that set it apart in a world class of its own. It can be said to proceed from a number of independent streams that coexist despite apparent contradiction. More than half of the 2283 articles of the famous Code Civile of 1804 remain unaltered; yet French administrative judges jealously guard their prerogative to create their own public law. And yet again, since the 1974 law empowering the legislature to convene the Constitutional Council that judges the constitutionality of laws under the 1958 Constitution, the courtsand#8217; distinction between and#8216;rulesand#8217; and and#8216;fundamental principlesand#8217; has grown steadilyand#8212;a process that has been greatly accelerated since the 2003 law authorizing the government to and#8216;simplify the law.and#8217; Introduction to French Law is a very practical book that makes clear sense out of the complex results of the complex bodies of law that govern the most important fields of law and legal practice in France today. Seventeen chapters, each written by a distinguished French legal scholar, cover the following field in substantive and procedural detail, with lucid explanations of French law in the following fields: ; Constitutional Law; European Union Law; Administrative Law; Criminal Law; Property Law; Intellectual Property Law; Contract Law; Tort Liability; Family Law; Inheritance Law; Civil Procedure; Company Law; Competition Law; Labour Law; Tax Law; Private International Law; A book that is both a useful guide for practitioners and a comprehensive survey of French law (with no sacrifice of rationale or theory), Introduction to French Law has no peers. It is sure to spend more time in briefcases or on desks than on the shelf.