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The Faculty of Medicine - Microbiology and Molecular Genetics: Mamou Gideon


עודכן בתאריך

Last updated February 2023 - Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

List of Publications

(1) Mamou G, Corona F, Cohen-Khait R, Housden NG, Yeung V, Sun D, et al. Peptidoglycan maturation controls outer membrane protein assembly. Nature 2022;606(7916):953-959.

(2) Inns PG, Mamou G. The expanding horizons of host–microorganism imaging are clear to see. Nat Rev Microbiol 2019;17(12):724.

(3) Pal RR, Baidya AK, Mamou G, Bhattacharya S, Socol Y, Kobi S, et al. Pathogenic E. coli Extracts Nutrients from Infected Host Cells Utilizing Injectisome Components. Cell 2019;177(3):683-696.e18.

(4) Bhattacharya S, Baidya AK, Pal RR, Mamou G, Gatt YE, Margalit H, et al. A Ubiquitous Platform for Bacterial Nanotube Biogenesis. Cell Rep 2019;27(2):334-342.e10.

(5) Baidya AK, Bhattacharya S, Dubey GP, Mamou G, Ben-Yehuda S. Bacterial nanotubes: a conduit for intercellular molecular trade. Curr Opin Microbiol 2018;42:1-6.

(6) Stempler O, Baidya AK, Bhattacharya S, Malli Mohan GB, Tzipilevich E, Sinai L, et al. Interspecies nutrient extraction and toxin delivery between bacteria. Nat Commun 2017;8(1).

(7) Mamou G, Fiyaksel O, Sinai L, Ben-Yehuda S. Deficiency in lipoteichoic acid synthesis causes a failure in executing the colony developmental program in Bacillus subtilis. Front Microbiol 2017;8(OCT).

(8) Mamou G, Malli Mohan GB, Rouvinski A, Rosenberg A, Ben-Yehuda S. Early Developmental Program Shapes Colony Morphology in Bacteria. Cell Rep 2016;14(8):1850-1857.

(9) Segev E, Rosenberg A, Mamou G, Sinai L, Ben-Yehuda S. Molecular kinetics of reviving bacterial spores. J Bacteriol 2013;195(9):1875-1882.

(10) Meyerovich M, Mamou G, Ben-Yehuda S. Visualizing high error levels during gene expression in living bacterial cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010;107(25):11543-11548.