מעודכן ל: 11.10.2023
יום מנוחה
חוק מנוחת השבת
יום שבתון
Blue Laws
Sunday Legislation
Sunday Law(s)
Lord’s Day
Sunday Rest Bill
Sabbath Legislation
Sunday Closing Laws
Sunday Trading Laws
Sabbatarian Laws
Sunday Limitation
Historic Statutes Canada:
Lord’s Day Act, R.S.C. 1985, c L-13.
Statute Pennsylvania USA:
Sunday Trading, 18 Pa. Stat. and Cons. Stat. Ann. §§ 7361-7365 (Westlaw through 2022 Reg. Sess. Act 166).
Sunday Trading Act 1994, c. 20 (Eng. & Wales), https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1994/20.
Blue law (1762) A statute regulating or prohibiting commercial activity on Sundays. • Although blue laws were formerly common, they have declined since the 1980s, when many courts held them invalid because of their origin in religion (i.e., Sunday being the Christian Sabbath). Blue laws usu. pass constitutional challenge if they are enacted to support a nonreligious purpose, such as a day of rest for workers. — Also termed Sunday law; Sunday-closing law; Sabbath law; Lord's Day Act.
Blue Law, Black’s Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019).
מעודכן ל: 11.10.2023
כל האזכורים של מקורות יש לאזכר לפי כללי האזכור האחיד והבלובוק. סרטוני הדרכה על אזכור חקיקה ופסיקה.